July 2022
For personal reasons the current archivist, Gary Wyatt, is handing over the post to a new incumbent, Roger Morgan, who will no doubt add further information here in due course. Gary wishes to thank all who supported him, attended his talks or donated material during his seven or so years as archivist.
November 2020 Further update: Site finally goes live again !
The problems that we were left with following the disappearing act of the person who constructed and hosted the site have now been overcome. The site has been transferred to a new theme as the old one could not be updated, completely rebuilt and moved to a new host. We hope you like the new style and the addition of some extra facilities. A gallery page has been added which displays all the images currently uploaded to the site, plus the full catalogue and contents list.
The archivist wishes to express his thanks to a close family member for his enormous help during this difficult time.
March 2020 Update on operation of this site
After multiple problems, the site now appears to be working again, although still under test. If you notice any further problem, please contact the archivist via the email link on the Home page. The hosting of the site is still under review, so please bear with us.
The archivist would like to express his thanks to a close family member who has given a great deal of help to restore the site.
April 2015 Council grant to launch Hethersett archive website will bring village history to life.

The history of Hethersett is being brought alive thanks to a £1350 grant from South Norfolk Council. The grant will fund the launch of a new Hethersett Archive web site providing the public with more information and access to historical documents.
Hethersett archive contains thousands of items including minutes, press cuttings, maps and many other items of significant historic importance. Village archivist Gary Wyatt said: “The Hethersett archive is a collection of historic documents, photos and artefacts covering the history of the village back through several centuries.
“The archive has been professionally catalogued in recent years and this catalogue is available on-line.However, the existing website does not allow the catalogue to be easily searched, nor is there any facility for providing images of archive items for study on-line.”
The grant, which has been topped up by £150 from Hethersett Parish Council, will allow a complete rebuild of the web site to make it more intuitive and user-friendly.
“This will make it much more convenient for residents and other interested parties, no matter where in the world, to view archive material. Although only a small proportion of the archive items have so far been digitised, this process will continue and will be made available on the new website as soon as possible.
“I am very grateful to South Norfolk Council, Hethersett Parish Council and local district councillor David Bills for their support,” Mr Wyatt added.
David Bills said that the new site would help to safeguard the legacy of past generations.
“It will be available so that people of all ages and from all over the world will be able to learn about the history of Hethersett from a very valuable resource,” he added.
The new site will also contain links to other archive sites in South Norfolk and is likely to be available from early Spring.