The Hethersett archive started life as a small collection set up by the former Hethersett librarian, Janet Smith. In the 1990s it was given to the parish council who have continued to care for it and provide some financial support.
Bill Reekie was the first archivist appointed by the parish council and he continued to build up the collection with the help of various other enthusiastic Hethersett residents until early 2014 when he retired. The parish council then appointed Gary Wyatt as Bill’s successor, and Gary served until retiring for personal reasons in July 2022.
Roger Morgan was appointed as the new archivist and welcomes interest in the collection and would be very happy to receive any further donations of material. Documents and photos can, of course, be copied and returned if the owner wishes to retain them; otherwise, all material is held in safe and secure storage.
The archivist is happy to give talks on the archive to Hethersett groups, clubs or societies. Please contact him via the email address on the Home page.